
The Transformation of Blockchain Technology
Now many people will ask such a question, bitcoin can only deal with 7 transactions per second, so how can the low transaction efficiency bring about technical changes? In fact, there is a big misunderstanding here. Remember during the early days of internet, the speed of dial-up internet is only few kb per second, download a MP3 requires more than 10 minutes. However, you cannot say this is useless.
Many disruptive technologies go through an immature to maturity stage. Like many early disruptive technologies, the most typical one is the internet bubble around Year 2000 and after the bubble, people find out that the internet in the early days is not so magical, nor to penetrate into various sectors. When a technological invention has not reached the point where large-scale commercial applications can erupt, especially where infrastructure and popularity are still immature, many different points of view arise. But the seed of the really great internet company was also planted during that time. History has proved how powerful the advance of science and technology is.
Today, APOLLO is an open source project with a core development team who are doing various R & D and upgrade programs. An investment with 10 times or even 100 times return on investment opportunities is achievable so long as the investor is able to spot on the valuable digital assets with good growth potential. APOLLO, with its smart contract features and blockchain technology as an evolutionary version, is a wakeup digital asset market.
Bitcoin is already a success proven model, except that its technology is still unable to do smart contracts and smart transactions. At the time of writing this white paper, the market value of Bitcoin has been as high as $186 billion. APOLLO, which is known for its blockchain-based innovation platform, has a 10 billion limit. With the birth of many innovative blockchain agreements, Bitcoin is no longer the single-only digital asset. Innovation agreements and blockchain applications will be the next investment theme.
So APOLLO is to repeat its success in a shorter time to achieve greater breakthroughs, or even better than the previous Bitcoin's amazing results.